Vegan carrot salmon with tofu cream cheese

2019 is the year of the vegan sea food so I also wanted to give this a plant-based fish recipe a try. So I came up with a super easy vegan salmon recipe made from carrots. Yes you heard right and it actually taste quite a bit like salmon. Using just a few simple ingredients you can make your own. And it goes so well with my tofu cream cheese recipe. Add some capers, drizzle some lemon juice on top and garnish with some dill and you will never miss salmon again.


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Vegan carrot salmon with tofu cream cheese


You don't have to pass on seafood anymore with this vegan salmon recipe.


vegan salmon is easily made from carrots


All you have to do is peel a carrot and season with a few simple ingredients.


cook the salmon until soft


Cook the peels until soft and the peels have a salmon like consistency.


super delicious vegan salmon


And enjoy on a tofu cream cheese bagel. You can keep the carrot salmon in the fridge and then have it on a bagel or some bread in the morning. Heavenly!


Phil from Exceedinglyvegan

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Carrot salmon ingredients:

  • 1 large cup carrot peels (100g)
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 2 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 Sushi sheet

Tofu cream cheese ingredients:

  • 300g extra firm tofu
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 - 3/4 tsp salt 

Other ingredients:

  • Capers
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Dill
  • Bagel

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Peel the skin off of one or two carrots. Then hold the carrot down with a form and using the peeler again slice off long peels until you get a large cup or roughly 100g worth of carrot peels.


Place them into a pan with 1 1/4 cup cooking water, 2 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 sushin sheet (also called noori). Cover with a lid and cook for roughly 20 minutes or until the peels have softened and have a salmon like consistency.


In the meantime add all tofu cream cheese ingredients into a food processor and blend until you get a smooth and creamy texture. You can also use normal firm tofu but then you need to squeeze the water out a bit, otherwise it would be too runny. You can do this with a tofu press (you can get one in my shop even).


Toast a bagel and spread the tofu cream cheese on top. Take the carrot salmon out of the pan and let cool down for a bit (you can also remove some of the bits from the sushi sheet that will have dissolved a bit if you like, but it's not necessary).


Add the carrot salmon to the cream cheese bagel together with some capers and season with some cracked black pepper. Drizzle some lemon juice on top and garnish with fresh dill. Enjoy!


And if you like this recipe you will also like my vegan fish & chipcs recipe.


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